A little about us...
If everyone loved their job as much as we do, we’d be out of business.
AA Rescue Milestones
AAR outsourcing started 2005, more than 20 years of experience in the hiring space and a crystal-clear vision for where recruitment is headed. With a strong background as a fast-paced company that consistently strives to foster growth and innovation, AAR Outsourcing uses today’s most effective marketing tactics to reach the full spectrum of talent.

Our Team
Meet AAR Outsourcing’s dedicated leadership team

Miron Nadvinski
Managing Director
Miron Nadvinski is the Company’s esteemed Managing Director Born in Croatia, he has worked in many countries and many companies for the last 30 years. He started his journey in Minolta Japan as Senior Sales Manager and through several position in different companies like: Panasonic, Konica, Apple and now AA Rescue where he first served as General Manager Commercial and now as Managing Director since September 2020.
He has a passion for Sales and Marketing and has carved a niche for himself in this
field, he often says – Sales is a job where there are no limits to the success one can achieve and is about helping others to solve their problems. He is poised to build a stronger, more confident and better-equipped AA Rescue that unlocks its full potential and puts its at No1 in Nigeria.

Ibidunni Ladejobi SPHRi
Team Lead, Legal
Ibidunni Ladejobi is the Company Secretary/Legal Adviser. She also oversees the administrative department of the Company She holds a Master’s degree in Law, specializing in Commercial and Maritime Law. She has 23 years’ experience in Law, Human Resource Management, Business Development, Customer Service Management, Occupational Health Management, Quality Management and General Management. She brought a flare of fresh ideas and novelty to the Company in general. Her resilience and energy has been instrumental in setting an enviable record in the Company.
She is solution oriented and gets results. She is p assionate about building p eople and harnessing potentials. She has carved a niche for herself in training and development.

Charles Okechukwu
Team Lead, Finance
Charles Okechukwu is the ChiefFinance Officer of the Company. He has many
years’ experience in finance and banking. He started his career in the Banking industry with Diamond Bank Plc. He has a wealth of experience in Banking, Human Resource
Management, payroll administration and Management, Financial and cost accounting.
He is a dynamic and industrious manager with over 7 years of managerial and business management experience.
His experience spans from Marketing, Finance, Payroll administration and Accounting analysis. He is a good team player and innovative leader with keen to problem solving skills. He is very analytical and has been instrumental to the development of many of the company business development ideas and new products

Medinat Shaibu
Team Lead, Commercial
Medinat Shaibu is a pioneer staff of the Company. She is the Chief Commercial Officer of the Company. She is a dynamic woman who is full of energy and drive. She is hard working, purpose driven, tenacious and very hands on. Medinat is result oriented and is usually referred to as “The AA Closer”. She has over 15 years’ experience in the fields of business development and marketing and has worked in many states in the country. She is a good leader with a good focus on ensuring total customer satisfaction.

Glory Odubenu
Team Lead, Outsourcing
Glory Odubenu is the Head of the Outsourcing Division of the company. She has a Business Administration degree, with MSc in Industrial Sociology and Personnel Management. She loves research work and has written papers on Work place design and Industrial Behaviour. She is seasoned in Process and People management with a proven track record in creative solution provision, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
She worked for 12 years in the banking Industry with ample experience as Customer Service Manager, Operations Manager and Credit Analyst. In her spare time, she is a professional Life coach that takes great delight in developing people.

Blessing Ochigbo
Team Lead, Operations
Glory Odubenu is the Head of the Outsourcing Division of the company. She has a Business Administration degree, with MSc in Industrial Sociology and Personnel Management. She loves research work and has written papers on Work place design and Industrial Behaviour. She is seasoned in Process and People management with a proven track record in creative solution provision, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
She worked for 12 years in the banking Industry with ample experience as Customer Service Manager, Operations Manager and Credit Analyst. In her spare time, she is a professional Life coach that takes great delight in developing people.
Careers with AAR Outsourcing
Work that Matters
Advance your career by helping millions of others do the same.
A Team with Passion
Be part of a smart, talented team that's dedicated to doing great work.
A Company that Cares
Surround yourself with great people who make work a better (and more fun) place to be.
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